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The Good Question Podcast

Jul 26, 2023

What can your body language tell you about your subconscious mind? Can you transform your beliefs through physical expression? Andrew Daniel, an award-winning author, spiritual teacher, and director at the Center for Cinesomatic Development sits down to explain.

Andrew is the author of Awaken to Your True Self, a book that uses somatic therapy, mindfulness, and spirituality to help people get unstuck. Andrew’s approach to success defies conventional advice — and that’s why it seems to work better than almost anything else…

In this episode, we cover:

  • How Andrew reveals subconscious patterns to his clients. 
  • The importance of having a reference point for making money.
  • What happens when people uncover unhealthy things within themselves.

You can find Andrew’s personal website here!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts: